Friday, May 9, 2014

Scented Bath Salts

While I had good intentions of putting up a post every day this week, you can see that it didn't happen.  So it goes with two little ones demanding my attention.  And that's OK.  Because I only get one chance to enjoy them as tiny little babies.  They change so much every day at this point that I don't want to miss any of it.  The Rowselettes are almost 7 weeks old and one week past their official due date.  They are finally the size of normal new born babies and seem huge to me, although they're still tiny little peanuts.  They're really starting to be awake a lot, and it is so fun to watch them have floor/tummy time.  Here are some photos of them snuggling in bed with me earlier this week.

Now onto another homemade Mother's Day gift.  Bath salts are really easy to make yourself.  Considering how expensive they can be to buy, it makes sense to just make them at home.  And you can make any variety of scent and color you want when you create your own.

Here are the 3 ingredients you need:
  • Mineral & Dead Sea Salts (I got mine from Michaels)
  • Epsom Salts
  • Essential oil(s) of your choice

Fill your container with half Epsom salts and half Mineral & Dead Sea salts.  Pour into a mixing bowl.  Add 10 drops of essential oil and stir to mix well.

 Spoon the mixture back into the container and decorate with a ribbon, label, or piece of fabric.

See how easy that was?  Delicious scented bath salts in 5 minutes for way less than the price of store bought ones.  You can also add pieces of herbs and flowers along with color to make the salts more decorative.  For example, since my scent was rose & neroli, I could have mixed in dried rose petals and used food coloring or soap colorant to make the salts red or pink.

Note:  If you can't find Mineral & Dead Sea salts, you can always use course sea salt found in the grocery store.  Or just use straight Epsom salts, instead of a combination of the two.

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